Friday 21 June 2024

The use of cinematography

When looking at my short film: "Screens", I had used a variety of different components and equipment to produce cinematography. The reason for having these resources to produce a section of cinematography was trying to ensure that I had gotten the viewers attention and engage them as much as possible. For that reason I had decided to use cinematography at the beginning of my short film. In the pictures below it clearly shows where I had decided to set up the equipment and resources for cinematography:

Here we can see that I had set up a variety of different equipment such as:

  • Light panels 
Using the light panels, I was able to control where the lights were going to ensure that I can get as much exposure to the protagonist at the beginning of the film. 
  • Reflector panel
 The reason why I had decided to use this piece of equipment was due to the light panels being in limited supply. This means that I was not able to get as much exposure as I wanted, however after finding the reflector panel, I was then able to utilise this to produce cinematography. 
  • Three point lighting
When looking at the picture above, you can clearly see that I had used the technique of three-point lighting. By being able to use this technique to expand the light in certain areas, specifically in the background. 

By being able to use these different types of equipment, I was able to help enhance the scenes and make the viewer engage with the short film. 

Throughout my short film, there were a number of different scenes that focussed on different camera angles, different lighting and mise-en-scne. This is shown in the clips below:

By being able to focus on cinematography, I was able to make the audience more engaged with the short film and therefore made the film more interesting. 

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